Is an effective protocol using muscle testing to find, and correct coordination dysfunctions that lead to most muscular/skeletal pain, discomfort and joint misalignment. Founded by Jocelyn Olivier of
This treatment can be done clothed or unclothed, alone or combined with massage.
If you are interested in reading more about NMR, here is a fantastic article please click here.
Cupping is a traditional, time-honored treatment that is safe, comfortable, and remarkably effective for musculoskeletal pain. It uses suction (negative pressure) rather than compression for bodywork, ranging from myofascial release to lymphatic drainage - and so much more. Cupping quickly facilitates soft tissue release, lifts and creates space between connective tissues, and releases toxins. This process breaks up stagnation and increasing blood and lymph flow to skin and muscles.
-The cups create a “Negative Pressure” creating space between the layers of tissue. This makes it perfect for scar tissue which is usually compressed and adhered.
-The lifting and rhythmic motion engages the parasympathetic nervous system, creating a feeling of relaxation through the entire body.
Cupping Benefits:
- Clears stagnation
- Drains & moves fluids
- Relieves Inflammation
- Nervous System Sedation
- Expels Congestion
- Stretches Muscle & Connective Tissue
- Loosens Adhesions
- Nourishing Blood Supply to the Skin
- Loosen adhesions or the “dimpling” of cellulite.
MediCupping™ uses a machine to control the vacuum and the release of tissue. The equipment performs the pumping techniques allowing the therapist to focus on fluid movements rather than having to stop and attach cups. This is a tremendous advantage over manual cupping equipment.
-Glass or plastic cups are used with the machine to create suction on the surface of the skin. Cups are moved over the skin using different movements like gliding, shaking, popping and rotating techniques while gently lifting the cup. Sometimes the “Cups” are parked for a short time for joint mobilization or soft tissue release.
-This suction can can work superficially or reach deep into the soft tissue, pulling out inflammation and metabolic wastes, bringing them to the surface and then allowing the lymphatic system to eliminate them. Soft tissue restrictions, adhesions and scar tissue often release quickly.
Medicupping™ also helps break down the “Solid bloat”, this is when heat from inflamed tissue slowly dehydrates the lymph nearby, which inhibits drainage, circulation and hydration. Fascia fuses together and creates congestion. This inflammation can be caused by: surgeries, injuries, chronic movement patterns, childhood diseases and exposure to toxins.
What are cupping marks? One misinterpretation of the marks or "cup kisses" that sometimes can occur as result of the cupping or vacuum therapy are that they are bruises. Unless the Cupping was done too strong in a contraindicated case, no "bruising" occurs. These post cupping marks, under the skin are the stagnation of dead cellular debris, pathogenic factors, and most importantly - biological debris and metabolic wastes that are being drawn out of the bio-system. Some capillary seepage occurs, but it is minimal to the acidic agents being removed.
-No cupping marks are visible on the face with Sinus Relief and TMJ Treatment.
Cupping is contraindicated in cases of severe diseases, i.e. cardiac failure, renal failure, ascites due to hepato-cirrhosis and severe edema, as well as hemorrhagic diseases such as allergic pupura, hemophilia, leukemia, dermatosis, destruction of skin, allergic dermatitis, or hernia. For pregnant women, the lower abdomen, medial leg and lumbosacral region are to be avoided.
Disclaimer Information on this site is provided for informational purposes and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professional.
MFR stretches the fascia away from the underlying structures, releasing restriction, lengthening, restoring range of motion. This can be done using massage techniques or with cupping therapy.
Trigger Points are twisted bundles of fascia that are extremely sensitive to palpation and feel like tough, dense knots along the muscle. Trigger Points can cause injuries over time because they hinder the normal structure and operation of the fascia. With firm holding pressure or the negative pressure of cupping, the fascia is gently stretched and unwinds without much discomfort.